Starting Today

It’s time for a re-branding of sorts. This site started as a place to write my thoughts and observations in my daytime life in printing. Fact is, I’m burned out with respect to this part of my life.

Music has ALWAYS been an important, significant, joyous and semi-all-consuming part of my life. So, I’m making it my life. Now. Starting today. Well, OK, it started way way back, you know, back there in the distant past. What I’m getting at is this is the “thing” I want to be doing in my life. Performing, writing, recording, engineering, remixing… whether it’s my music, covering someone’s music, getting music in a recorded format or mixing it live and more. I feel it coursing throughout my body. It’s what is meant to be. I don’t know how, where, when and with who this journey will continue down. What I do know is this feels right. It’s my gut talking, telling me to get it going.

Let the fun begin…

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