Stoney Mahoney Cat

It is safe to say I don’t post my thoughts on the print industry often (or often enough) and this time isn’t about printing. This is about my office mate and bestest little friend, Stoney Mahoney, the three legged wonder cat.

Stoney came into my life when he was just 3 weeks old (it was a theme as you’re about to read). My niece had walked outside and found him at what I’ll call point A and most of his right rear leg over at point B. The short version is he was brought into town to my parents house. I came home to find this tiny black kitten needing to be hand fed. This was a week before my birthday, 19 years ago. By my birthday we had bonded and he was what I wanted for a b-day present. Sadly, back in mid March I noticed he didn’t look like he felt too good. The next day we visited the vet and the day after that an ultrasound showed cancer throughout his abdomen. He wasn’t going to get better. He hadn’t eaten in at least three days, nor slept that I could tell. I felt it was best to put him to sleep.

I could write all about the life we shared, it would be easy to go on and on (I will write something all about that life for my personal library). The last 2 and half years he lived at my office. Every morning I’d come in and be greeted by his constant meowing for the 5-10 minutes it took for me get a chance to hold him. He got to meet many of my clients and some even stopped by to see him (hey, how about doing some biz with me while you’re visiting)! The hardest part has been not hearing that meowing. It’s amazing how something so simple can get under your skin and have such an amazing impact on your life. I miss having someone to chat with that (usually) doesn’t talk back.

Stoney, you have been the best companion I could ask for during the last (almost) 19 years. I learned so much by watching you live life fully on three legs (with some help from that rather short fourth). Most people didn’t realize you were missing one! Not to mention their shock when I would tell them your age – makes me feel even better to be the age I’ll be next week! You are so, so missed every day. I love you.


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